Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm reading and studying about the revolutionary war and what was happening in America at this time.

As the colonies were become less enfranchised with England, each had there reasons for Independence. Following the Boston "tea party" Britain passed the Intolerable or Coercive Acts. They close the harbor until the destroyed tea was paid for. They also annulled the Charter of Massachusetts. Basically they revoked there rights as Englishmen (what the government giveth as a right the government taketh away as a right). Then the monarchy government passed a law making the people board the British soldiers at there own expense with little compensation. They also passed the Quebec act which transferred lands to Quebec that was intended for the colonies. In the south. They had increasing debt burdens and taxes.

At the same time all of this was happening the north and south disagreed completely on the status of slavery in the colonies. Despite there tensions about slavery, the colonies united and made an alliance against the crown. Both clergy men and individuals joined together to fight for there civil liberties and religious liberties. They knew that these 2 things are entwined and coexist together. If you have one you have the other. John Witherspoon was a clergyman from New Jersey joined in the cause of freedom. He said "there is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost and religious liberty preserved entire."

I am a strongly religious person. I strive to live a christian life. I am very aware of the wretched women that I am, but I continually press forward in the path of righteousness. I believe that this nation was created so that there could be a place for truth and principles to be restored. A place where all would have freedom to choose and work out there own eternal rewards. I shout from the roof tops for my neighbors to have protection to choose what they may, and I ask for them to do the same for me.

Right now President Obama is calling on churches to stand with him and to promote his agenda. If the churches partner with the state they will be rewarded financially from the government with the "Greening" of the churches. Yesterday I watched footage of Nancy Pelosi telling preachers to preach her platform at there pulpits and claim that it is the gospel. Why is the leader of the house taking the role of God and telling preachers what should be taught? Is this separation of church and state?

As John Witherspoon stated, "there is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost and religious liberty preserved entire." I love this nation because my own church was restored here because of the freedom of speech and religion. I do not want a government that tells churches how they should interpret or preach the gospels. To all my loved ones, neighbors, friends and family. Please know that this is happening. All of our civil liberties and religious liberties are under attack.

I refer you to the White House web page. Type in Faith based programs in the search box. Read the Presidents policy and goals he wants to accomplish through this group. Ask yourself, do you agree with this, and do you think the people he has chosen on his counsel represent all faiths and there beliefs?

I would like to thank the authors of A Patriots History of the United States for the information I share with you today. I give all credit to them and thank God that they have presented this book as a tool in my learning.

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